Breastfeeding: Joy, Challenges, and Lessons Learned



Motherhood isn’t just about creating resources; it’s about living the experiences that inspire them. Breastfeeding has been a journey for me. With my youngest, Jesse, I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding—not because I planned it, but because he refuses bottles and pacifiers.

At first, I thought exclusive breastfeeding was a choice some moms made to stick with “breast is best.” But life has a way of humbling us. I’ve realized how hard it can be to lose the choice altogether. Jesse’s dependency on me for every feeding is rewarding but exhausting.

Lessons from My Breastfeeding Journey

  1. Choices are a Privilege: Whether you choose to breastfeed, pump, or formula-feed, having options is something many moms take for granted.
  2. Pacing Matters: In hindsight, I wish I had kept a bottle in his routine. Now, I’m navigating the challenges of a baby who won’t take one.
  3. Perspective is Key: Despite the challenges, I remind myself how fleeting this stage is. This time next year, he’ll be walking, talking, and eating on his own.


This season has taught me resilience. Just recently, I traveled to New York City with Jesse, appearing on national TV while juggling naps and feedings. It was daunting, but it also felt empowering.

To the mom who fears losing her freedom with a baby—don’t. Babies might slow us down, but they don’t stop us. Whether it’s errands, work, or travel, you can still do it all (just with a little extra planning).


To all the moms navigating these challenges, remember: you are strong, capable, and resourceful. Whether you're struggling with breastfeeding, learning about your pelvic floor, or finding moments of joy in your day, know that this season won’t last forever.

Let’s keep growing together, one day at a time.



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Kim Perry is a certified personal trainer for future mamas, pregnant mamas, and postpartum.