C H E M I C A L S - I'm talking about the harmful kind!


Did you know your skin is your largest organ?! And it’s your largest filtration system. This means that your skin can actually absorb harmful chemicals and they make their way into your bloodstream 😳💉


I’ve always cared about the food I put into my body but I just recently started being proactive about the products I put ON my body. Now I only use high quality, safe & pure products! Not just for me, but for the baby girl growing inside me! 🤰


I struggled with acne, oily skin & dry patches for years. Nothing worked and I always wondered why my skin was so difficult! It wasn’t until I removed all of the harmful chemicals that I started seeing results.


I try to use as little products as possible. And the ones I do use, I know they‘re the absolute best for my skin & my family 💗👏🏼  Moms have so much to worry about, skin care products shouldn’t be one of them 😉


If you're looking to make the switch to safe skin care, check out my favorite products here!! After years of searching, these are my absolute favorite! Pure Haven has everything from skin care to cleaning supplies to a baby line!

I love knowing that these products are safe. Removing chemicals from home home feels so good!


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The *Ultimate* Guide to Having a Fit Pregnancy 

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Kim Perry is a certified personal trainer for future mamas, pregnant mamas, and postpartum.