Progressive Overload in Motherhood: Building Strength Through the Seasons

mindset mom


Today, I want to talk about a concept called progressive overload. If you’re into fitness, you’ve probably heard this term before—it’s the gradual increase in stress placed on your body during exercise to build strength and endurance. But I’d like to explore it in the context of motherhood.

The Myth That Athleticism Ends With Motherhood

I recently read something from a fitness trainer who said, “Athleticism doesn’t end when you become a mom.” And it hit me deeply because it’s so easy for society to reduce moms to one label: Mom. For many of us, that title comes with joy and pride, but it can also feel like a loss of our identity. I struggled with that during my first pregnancy. Who was I beyond being a mom? Did my passions, goals, or even my fitness have a place anymore?

This trainer, Brianna, works with professional athletes through their pregnancies and postpartum journeys. She recounted how one athlete felt strong and capable during pregnancy, crushing her workouts and maintaining her competitive edge. But after giving birth, she hit a wall. Motherhood was a new kind of hard—physically, emotionally, and mentally.

I’ve been there too. Maybe you have as well. Everything changes when you become a mom, and it can feel like your strength—your athleticism—fades away. But here’s the truth: you are still strong. In fact, you’re growing even stronger in ways you may not recognize.

Progressive Overload: A Motherhood Analogy

In fitness, progressive overload is about building strength gradually. You might start with a five-pound dumbbell, and it feels tough. Over time, you move up to eight pounds, then ten, and before you know it, you’re curling fifteen pounds. What used to feel impossible is now second nature.

Motherhood works the same way. You’re thrown into the deep end from day one, and just when you master one phase, a new challenge appears.

  • The Newborn Stage: Remember those sleepless nights, the endless diaper changes, and the physical toll of recovery? At the time, it felt overwhelming. But then you got through it.
  • The Baby Phase: Just as you figured out feeding and naps, teething arrived, and you had to adjust again.
  • The Toddler Years: Now you’re chasing after them, navigating tantrums, and maybe tackling potty training.

Each stage of motherhood is like picking up a heavier dumbbell. It’s challenging, but you’re building strength, learning, and adapting. What once felt impossible—rocking your baby to sleep, surviving on two hours of rest, managing the chaos of a toddler—has become part of your routine.

The Seasons of Motherhood

One of the most comforting lessons I’ve learned is that motherhood happens in seasons. What feels hard now won’t last forever. Your baby will eventually sleep through the night. Potty training will end. And one day, your kids will be brushing their teeth and putting themselves to bed without your help (a wild thought, I know!).

But while you’re in the thick of it, it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. It’s okay to struggle. Just remember:

  • You’re not the same person you were when you started. Like progressive overload, every challenge has made you stronger, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment.
  • Every little effort adds up. Just as every rep at the gym builds strength, every day as a mom builds resilience and wisdom.
  • You’re training for the future. The lessons you’re learning now are preparing you for what’s next. You’re stronger than you think, and you’ve already proven that by showing up every day.

A Drop in the Bucket

Progressive overload is a slow process, and so is motherhood. Think of each small victory, each hard day survived, as a drop in the bucket. Over time, those drops fill the bucket and overflow into a well of experience, confidence, and strength.

So, if you’re feeling like the challenges of today are too much, remember how far you’ve already come. You’ve handled 100% of the hard days up to this point, and you’ll keep handling them.

You Are Enough

Motherhood is the ultimate test of endurance, strength, and adaptability. But you’ve been training for this. Whether your kids are still babies or heading off to college, you are equipped to handle the challenges ahead.

You are strong. You are capable. You are enough.

So, as we head into the holiday season, let’s celebrate not just the moms we’ve become but the women we are—resilient, powerful, and ever-evolving.

Happy Thanksgiving, mama. You’re doing amazing.

P.S. December is next week—can you believe it? 😊


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After Baby Fitness Guide: A step-by-step plan to help you ease back into fitness postpartum, regain your strength, and feel like YOU again. Perfect for new moms ready to prioritize their wellness. Get the Free Guide Here

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Kim Perry is a certified personal trainer for future mamas, pregnant mamas, and postpartum.