Quick Workouts for Busy Moms

fitness mom

Working out alone is great! I can focus, be loud, drop weights on the floor, make a mess and I don't care what I look like. It's my favorite way to clear my mind, break a sweat and start my day. But that's not always an option for us mamas.


Typically I workout before Ayla & Rosie wake up in the morning. The house is quiet and I am free to start my morning routine. It's also easy for me to work out before my day gets busy or my energy drops in the afternoon. My exercise motivation slowly declines after lunch!


Occasionally if I choose to sleep in or save my workout later in the day, the girls will be with me during my workout. At 2 years old Ayla moves at the speed of light and wants to do whatever I’m doing.  And Rosie is awake more often as she is getting older! I don't mind working out with them nearby, I love spending the time with my baby girls but it certainly makes things challenging! đź’—


Here are a few tools I use to make it work!!


  • Sharing is caring. Ayla wants whatever I have, so I try to use less equipment when she is around. However, I still want a good workout so I use lightweight equipment like resistance bands! She loves playing with my resistance bands, and they are safe for me to use when she is around. They keep her busy and I can still get a workout in!
  • Baby Weight! Incorporating Ayla or Rosie into my workouts is so much fun! Ayla's around 30 lbs and Rosie is 10lbs which is the perfect addition to my squats, bridges & lunges.
  • Hold up! Ayla loves to be free and run around but It's not easy doing burpees with a baby and a toddler around your feet. I love incorporating plyometrics into my workouts, but I have some great moves that don't require any jumping. This allows me to feel the burn without having to take my eyes off of her! Plank holds, wall sits and squat pulses are great!
  • Walking/Running. One of my favorite workouts to do with the girls is go for a walk. I grab a few toys, strap them into the stroller and head out! If I'm up for it, I will run instead!
  • Play time! Make your workout a game. I like to sing to Ayla & Rosie while I workout so they think we're playing! If you have older kids, you can get them involved in the workout. Challenge them to race you, have them count while you do squats, give them a piggy back ride while you lunge across the yard!
  • Stay open to the opportunities to exercise! I am always looking to turn simple tasks into exercises! If I miss my morning workout, I can do squats while dinner is cooking or squeeze in 10 push ups after I change a diaper! I use my furniture for dips & step ups! My favorite thing to use is a swing set. There are TONS of exercises you can do at a playground and you get to be outside!
  • Modify. Please note I always use caution when Ayla and Rosie are around!! I will use less equipment, do stationary moves and use short intervals so that I am available to her every 30 seconds or so. Being flexible with your workout is key!!
  • Distract them with a LEO + CULLIE teether. Rosie loves the different texture it has on her gums and in her little hands. Ayla loves squishing and kneading it because it is super soft!
  • Make it work! It's not always easy, and it's not pretty! But every bit counts. I have to remind myself that I am making the effort to improve my body, my health, and my life. Not every workout will be amazing (that goes for non-moms too!) Keep working hard and remember why you're doing it in the first place!


Here is a workout you can do right at home with no equipment! All you need is a timer! (I like to use this one!)

Total Body Tabata | 9 Minutes


Complete each move for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.

Repeat 3 times before moving on to the next exercise.

  • Alternating Curtsy Lunges
    (20 seconds work | 10 second rest) X3
  • Push Ups
    (20 seconds work | 10 second rest) X3
  • Chair Squat
    (20 seconds work | 10 second rest) X3
  • Alternating Table Top Holds
    (20 seconds work | 10 second rest) X3
  • Alternating Reverse Lunges
    (20 seconds work | 10 second rest) X3
  • Bridge March
    (20 seconds work | 10 second rest) X3


Working out with kids is challenging but it's also rewarding! Ayla is a great cheer leader and motivation to keep going! She claps her hands when I do jump squats, listens when I count down from 10, and laughs when I get winded. It's not always easy with her crawling everywhere, but it's fun and I love being able to spend time with my daughter while I exercise! I know she is watching me and I am showing her that taking care of your health is important.


Everything I do influences these little girls. I am happy to be their role model! Soon they will be modeling my behavior and I want to teach them about health, nutrition, and fitness as well as self love, inner strength and balance.  I can already tell they are going to be stronger and wiser than I could have ever dreamed! These girls are my miracle!


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✨ After Baby Fitness Guide: A step-by-step plan to help you ease back into fitness postpartum, regain your strength, and feel like YOU again. Perfect for new moms ready to prioritize their wellness. Get the Free Guide Here

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Kim Perry is a certified personal trainer for future mamas, pregnant mamas, and postpartum.