Should you exercise when you're pregnant?!

fitness mom


The answer is YES!!

Always consult with your doctor to make sure all aspects of your fitness regimen are safe and appropriate for your pregnancy.

Exercising during pregnancy has so many benefits! Not to mention you are training for the biggest fitness challenge of them all - LABOR! Exercise will help improve or maintain your physical fitness and overall wellness. It’s important to continue to strengthen your muscles and maintain your endurance during your pregnancy. In most cases exercise is safe and recommended during pregnancy, but make sure to check with your doctor!

Benefits of Exercise during pregnancy:

  1. You will feel better!
  2. Speed up recovery time post baby
  3. Prevent extra weight gain
  4. Improves posture
  5. Promotes muscle tone, strength & endurance
  6. Reduces constipation, bloating & swelling
  7. Helps reduce backaches & headaches
  8. Improves health of your baby
  9. Prepare your body for labor
  10. Improves your mood
  11. Relieves stress & eases tension
  12. Increases your energy
  13. Improves sleep

The benefits of exercise don't stop there! Exercise can help prevent diseases and keep your immune system strong! And don't forget, these benefits apply even if you aren'y pregnant! So stay active even after your baby is born!


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The *Ultimate* Guide to Having a Fit PregnancyĀ 

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Kim Perry is a certified personal trainer for future mamas, pregnant mamas, and postpartum.